More Links of Blossom Foundation
Here are more links that verify the goodness of man..


  • I used to work at the Bucks County Audubon Society.
    Here is the link to its parent organization, the National Audubon Society, which promotes local and national environmental conservation, education and preservation. A main focus of Audubon is the conservation of birds and their habitat. Please support this worthy organization.

  • For some years now, Carol and her son Tommy have had the honor of sponsoring a young child's education and health care through the Pearl S. Buck International Foundation.  The child lives in Thailand.  Her father has died of AIDS, and at last report, her mother is very ill.   If every able family sponsored a needy child or two, and if all children were taught about the God who loves them and wants them to love and respect others, Carol knows that poverty, ignorance and war could be eliminated. 
    Pearl S. Buck, a Nobel Prize winning author, was a pioneer in international child advocacy.

  • UNICEF is the branch of the United Nations which advocates education, health care and protection especially for children.

  • The Columbine High School massacre was perpetrated by youngsters who had been severely teased and bullied.

    Our children must be taught in schools and at home not only not to abuse or bully others.  They must be taught to intercede on behalf of others who are being abused, teased, or bullied.  Carol feels that this is key to eventual world peace.  

    It means courage and maybe even sacrifice. It means our children will fully develop a conscience.

    One man among many heroes on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 was Todd Beamer.  Todd decided to act to stop the plane from being piloted by evil terrorists, even if it meant his own death.

  • Others:    (it used to be plantit2000)





Carol Sullivan, Blossom Foundation Director
Carol Sullivan believes in teaching children about the existence of the God who created us and who loves us.  Join your local church, synagogue, or mosque.  Attend regular religious services with your family, friends, neighbors.  It is only through moral and religious instruction, along with tolerance of the religion of others, will the world become a kinder, better place..